Dashboard for User

By default, the user dashboard will listen on port 8081 at the Master Node, and operators can login in with default admin:pass credential.

The left panel gives quick link to various functions, including Chain, Invoke, Smart Contract.

Name URL Function
Chain /dashboard#/chain See a high-level overview on all fabric chains
Invoke /dashboard#/api Invoke&Query smart contract api
Smart Contract /dashboard#/smart_contract Manage&Upload all smart contract


User Dashboard Overview

The default overview page show chains user applied, and the status of chain, include (peer/block/smart contract/transaction), and can query recent block/transaction info.

Smart Contract

User Dashboard smart contract

User can upload, install, instantiate, delete smart contract here.


User Dashboard Invoke

In Invoke page, you can invoke/query smart contract api, and get the response from api.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.